What is Energy Psychology

 Energy Psychology (EP) is a mind-body approach to understanding and improving human functioning. EP focuses on the relationship between bioenergy systems, neuro and electro physiological processes, and mental functions involving thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behavior. These systems and processes exist and interact within the individual and between people. They are also influenced by cultural and environmental factors. Within an EP framework, emotional and physical issues are reflected in bio-energetic patterns within and around the mind-body-energy system.

Since the mind and body are thought to be interwoven and interactive, this mind-body-energy system involves complex communication involving  neurobiological processes, innate electrophysiology, psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), consciousness, and cognitive-behavioral-emotional patterns. The use of EP has resulted in the development of associated methods and models to treat psychological and emotional problems, facilitate health and wellbeing, and improve human performance. These models and methods are usually used within an integrative or holistic frame and include but are not limited to psychotherapy, counseling, coaching, integrative medicine, and other healing modalities.

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