Energy Psychology Applications


EP applications incorporate into the treatment process natural energetic components that include but are not limited to meridians, chakras, biofields, and bio-electrical and electromagnetic activity of the body, nervous system and heart. EP practitioners often combine cognitive and physical interventions with activation of one or more of the human bio-energy systems. Some practitioners focus upon the way in which thought and intention are expressed in the bioenergy system, and explore the therapeutic value of the precise use of language and congruent intention. EP approaches adapt and integrate easily into most psychotherapy models, healthcare orientations, and models of performance enhancement.

EP approaches are often exceedingly rapid, have little to no adverse effects, are usually experienced as self-empowering by clients and patients, and are easily amenable to self-help protocols.  In the clinical world, EP models have been beneficially applied to the assessment and treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, pain, stress, psychophysiological issues, and self-sabotaging behaviors by a broad range of healthcare providers to regulate affect and promote emotional and physical health. Treatment results have been shown to be enduring and relatively rapid.


There are currently over 100 research studies, including 50 randomized controlled trials published in professional and refereed journals, confirming the treatment value of EP. Taken as a body of knowledge, these findings suggest that EP meets the criteria for evidenced-based treatment. In fact, in 2016, TFT (Thought Field Therapy) was validated by NREPP (the National Repertory of Evidence Based Practices and Procedures, a division of SAMHSA in the U.S.) as an evidence-based treatment.  In the coaching and performance world, EP models have been beneficially applied in many areas of performance enhancement, including sports, education, business, and lifestyle issues related to weight management, relationships, and finance.